I love feedback, love it.
What did I do right? What did I do wrong? What parts were awesome? What parts were terrible? Tell me everything, don't worry too much about my feelings. My thinking is, if I don't hear what is working and what is not, I'm not going to get any better at writing.
Now, obviously I'm looking for constructive feedback, a simple "You Suck" isn't something I (or anyone else) wants to read but inevitably if you create something, you will hear it.
Part of me wants to drone on about the unfairness of having spent time and effort writing only to receive mean spirited comments that took little time or effort, the cosmic imbalance of how much work it is to create versus how little work it is to destroy, but instead I'd like to point out that I received two emails about the same story yesterday.
The first was a polite thank you from some one that enjoyed reading it, why they enjoyed it and a request that I continue the story. The other was an anonymous, angry complaint I hadn't make it clear enough that the free story I posted was just the first chapter (For the record, the story begins with the sentence "This is the first chapter...", but that's neither here nor there). The angry email got deleted, while the nice email got a personal response and a free pdf copy of the complete story.
To be clear, it wasn't the compliment that got them the free copy, it was that they took the time to actually write to me. It wasn't much, just 3 or 4 sentences, but it was a well thought out comment and I truly appreciate that they took the time to write it. The other person was just expressing anger. I guess they felt I owed them something in I hadn't given them. Regardless, I responded to each accordingly.
I guess my point is, if you like something (anything) I encourage you to let the creator know. It'll make their day. And if you don't like something so much you need to say something about it, make sure you're being constructive in your comments. Make the world a better place people!
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